
Revival at Auburn University

Something special is happening in the Plains! Whether you are a Roll Tide or a War Eagle we can all agree the Holy Spirit is moving. I’m really excited to have my son George Shamblin. Jr. guest write for us this week. I pray that wherever you are…there is a revival happening in our hearts.

– George (The Sr. one!)

Revival at Auburn University
By George Shamblin. Jr.

Mass baptisms, overcrowded church parking lots, jam-packed worship services. What’s going on at Auburn? It’s a question you might have asked yourself, and as a senior at Auburn, one I am familiar with. I was not one of the many students at Auburn who quickly found a church or a campus ministry to get plugged into; it took me some time. But after squandering my inheritance and at the end of my rope, I found myself in the swine pen and knew there had to be something else. I’m unsure if it was the verses written in chalk all over campus, the students who went out daily sharing their faith, or even the crazy lady who preaches (yells) on Toomer’s Corner, but I knew I needed Christ. What I thought would be a lonely journey was anything but, and I am excited to share with you what I have seen the Lord doing on Auburn’s campus.

I asked you what is happening at Auburn’s campus, but the story starts somewhere else. The revival began about 500 miles north of Auburn in Wilmore, Kentucky. The story of awakening, of course, starts with Asbury.  

What Started in Kentucky
On Wednesday, February 8, 2023, toward the end of a chapel meeting at Asbury University, a group of students sensed a movement of the Holy Spirit and stuck around to continue in worship and prayer for weeks, capturing national media attention.

Continues in Auburn
Auburn has been infected with this same bug, and the student body can’t seem to get enough of it. One of the student ministries I’ve been involved with since I came to Christ has been a haven for young Christians to connect and grow in their faith. What was a calm weekly meeting has turned into a sardine meeting. Where extra sitting room used to be the problem, now its not enough standing room. Students are sitting all through the aisles if they can find enough space, and those who can’t have resorted to standing in the back row.

Just this week, Auburn had their Unite Conference in Neville Arena, nearly packing out the whole thing. After the service, hundreds walked across campus to a pond where many were baptized and gave their life to Christ. In my fraternity, our pledge trainer and a handful of our pledges decided to dedicate their lives to Christ. Additionally, with our pledge Bible study, we had nearly as many leaders teaching as we do pledges listening. Fraternities historically have been known for parties, drugs, and drinking. But now, fraternities have become congregation centers for the church. Entire chapters leading worship services, almost nightly bible studies, and inviting in speakers to preach the word. What the enemy means for evil, God can use for good, and He sure has.

When people call on God, he shows up, and this youngest generation has been crying out His Name. If you go on Instagram or TikTok, you will have a hard time finding any post without a comment of someone sharing Christ and asking others to repent. This generation has been offered all the pleasures of the world that one can imagine, excess and temptations like never before. However, the Lord has been merciful, and now, like never before, people are turning to Christ. The Asbury revival didn’t stop in Kentucky and won’t stop here in Auburn. God is fiercely calling His children to Himself, and I pray that everyone feels the shifting tide in the air. Praise God!

My new book “Inerrancy” is an unashamed affirmation of the truth of Scripture and its importance to the future of God’s Church. It’s also a reminder that compromise is a slippery slope. Order now on Amazon! Or grab the first chapter free here!


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