
HONDURAS WEEK 2023 – Day 2


Day 2 – “ The Mass Destruction of Mitch

Thank you so much for the outpouring of notes and emails about the story of my “little friend” I shared yesterday. It’s truly overwhelming sometimes how God will take moments and events to change the course of someone’s life. Today is a story about just that. I spent some time with Stan Nowell, the Founder of Forgotten Children Ministries to talk about the horrific destruction of Hurricane Mitch in 1998. Hundreds of children perished during the storm. But what happened next would spark a mission that has served countless children for over 25 years. Take a look…

For this incredible trip to Honduras, I partnered with https://fcmhonduras.org/Forgotten Children Ministries. Their mission involves encountering these children on the streets of the cities and providing them with food, shelter, clothing, and medical attention in the short term.

Its mission is also to nurture, disciple, educate and provide vocational training for these street children in the long term. The goal of their mission is to share the love and hope that is found in knowing Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.  

If you feel called to support the important work in Honduras please consider supporting Forgotten Children Ministries.

My new book “Inerrancy” is an unashamed affirmation of the truth of Scripture and its importance to the future of God’s Church. It’s also a reminder that compromise is a slippery slope. Order now on Amazon! Or grab the first chapter free here!


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