Honduras Week 2022 – Day 1 – “The Gates”


I am so excited to share about my recent missions trip to Honduras where I partnered with Forgotten Children’s Ministry in Tegucigalpa. It was an incredible week in Central America, and God showed up in powerful ways! To recap, I’ll be sharing brief video updates and testimonies each day this week highlighting how God is moving through FCM to make a difference in the local communities and the lives of the beautiful people of Tegucigalpa.


Day 1 – “The Gates”
Today is Day One of Honduras Week, and I had an incredibly humbling experience. Take a moment to watch this brief update where you’ll learn more about FCM, their mission, and how they are putting boots on the ground to share the Gospel with and support those living in some of the harshest conditions you can imagine.

For this incredible trip to Honduras, I partnered with Forgotten Children Ministries. Their mission involves encountering these children on the streets of the cities and providing them with food, shelter, clothing, and medical attention in the short term.

Its mission is also to nurture, disciple, educate and provide vocational training for these street children in the long term. The goal of their mission is to share the love and hope that is found in knowing Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.  

If you feel called to support the important work in Honduras please consider supporting Forgotten Children Ministries.


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