
HARRIS 2024!

Savannah’s water broke on a late Wednesday afternoon last fall. Shortly, she and her husband would celebrate life – baby’s first grasp for air followed by loud crying out; a plethora of tears, some from painful anguish, others of unfathomable joy. Hard to believe that their gender reveal had occurred a seemingly short four and a half months earlier, mid-way through her pregnancy. Soaking up every minute of childrearing felt like forever. As her given name, it was determined that Charlotte would suit their baby girl well.

After frantically exiting the car in Double Oak Hospital’s parking lot, the main thoroughfare was a sidewalk stretching down the middle of the campus a good 50 yards or so, ending abruptly like a three-way intersection. That three-way leaves a choice for every pedestrian who arrives there, in this case, Savannah and her husband, Scott, with a decision between going left or right. Taking a hard right led directly to the delivery wing, which was simple enough. But to turn left landed people in a separate location. It’s not like any laws or personnel mandated which route should be taken or prohibited the free exercise thereof. In fact, in said city, pedestrians could lawfully go one way or the other, but it was totally up to them. Don’t forget Savanna’s water broke already.

Before moving on, please remember that Jesus always and forever grants clean slates to any who seek forgiveness – that includes making wrong turns into wrong places. No transgression is beyond cleansing.…. No story is unredeemable. The consequences may subsist for many of us, but the guilt does not. 1 Jn. 1:9

As to the ward that lies left on Double Oak’s campus, it’s important to enlighten people about its founder, Margaret Sanger. Her portrait is on display in the foyer and adorns the Smithsonian’s Portrait Gallery at our nation’s Capital.

A straightforward quote says a lot about a person or a movement, you know. At some level, the free flow of information must remain open to everyone to keep us honest. I was startled to find that massive amounts of material attributed to this woman had been whitewashed. Please do the research yourself. I selected two examples until you get the chance to do so. In reference to non-white babies, like Charlotte in the story above, Sanger believed in:

“The gradual suppression, elimination and eventual extinction, of defective stocks — those human weeds which threaten the blooming of the finest flowers of American civilization.” – Margaret Sanger

Referring to African Americans, “We do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate [their] population, and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members.” – Margaret Sanger

I’m queasy even typing such mean words for others to see. But once again, we must remain honest. I firmly believe in the free flow of information.

So, how does any of this relate to Vice President Kamala Harris? As the potential head of the most powerful entity on earth, she wants to allow full-term Savannah and her husband Scott to turn left from the aforementioned three-way intersection into a Planned Parenthood clinic on the day of delivery, and legally so, while the rest of us stand by and do nothing. I’d ask you to let this sink in: that means Charlotte would cease to exist. “That’s one in a million,” some may say, but what kind of sorrowful state does a society have to reach for even one such case to be okay? It’s not. Jesus saves grown sheep but reserves a tender corner of His heart for little lambs. I came that they might have life, and have it abundantly. John 10:10

“I never liked to look at Jesus on the Cross. I could not see any good it did to keep looking at Him. We could not help Him, as He had been crucified long ago” jeered Margaret Sanger who wholesale missed the point. Christ’s Cross alone can interject hope into the most challenging circumstances and contentious issues. His atonement did not heal Him; it heals us. “Look to Me and be saved, all the ends of the earth; For I am God, and there is no other.” – Is. 45:22

While writing this blog, one mental picture kept coming up, and I couldn’t shake it. Maybe because it reflects the unfortunate reality, we have to have these conservations in the first place. Maybe it’s the kind of image needed to recapture our nation’s attention. Whatever the reason, I’ll leave it with you so you can decide:

I can’t stop thinking about the fact Savannah’s water already broke. The thought of a left turn being acceptable to some at that time makes me so sad. What about you?

Jesus said, for those who have ears to hear, let them hear. – Jesus


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