Come Rest Under the Shade of the Tree
If the first thought to accost you when you woke up this morning went like this: "Oh no, how am I going to get through another day," the Gospel directly invites you: "come rest in...
If the first thought to accost you when you woke up this morning went like this: "Oh no, how am I going to get through another day," the Gospel directly invites you: "come rest in...
One of my children was doing some research recently, and the results were appalling. This week I want us to dive in on what Christian Morality means and why it's so important. If'll enjoy...
This is a Vlog I have really had on my heart lately. I wanted to pose the question "How to Get Rid of Your Pastor"? The answer to this might not be what you are...
Jesus could not pray the Lord’s Prayer so we couldIn this week's Vlog, we are diving into how Jesus prays for us. We have the best intercessor that anyone could ask for. However, I'm asking...
While the earth remains, Seedtime and harvest, Cold and heat, Winter and summer, And day and night Shall not cease. – Gen. 8:22 I’ll make a quick confession from the start: I’m a Master Gardener, and I...
The only way for something dirty to get clean is for something clean to get dirty.- Sinclair Ferguson Before delving into the sin men never talk about, I need to affirm an undeniable truth: no sin...
When Will You And I Stop Passing By?This week, Jill and I, along with a mission team, are heading back to Cuba to work with local Cuban Seminaries. We can't thank you all enough for...
To whom shall we go? I think that's a question we all must ask right now, considering the tragic shootings in Texas and other areas around the country. If you look around, people are putting...
Did you know underneath each English word in your New Testament lies a Greek word? That's because the writers of the New Testament wrote in Greek. If you were to peel back "cheerful," for instance,...
The Sheer Joy of Catching Fish!Let me start with a trivia question: did Jesus promise the 12 Disciples they would be fishers of men or catchers of them? I'll bet anything; the answer will surprise many of you.Let's be...